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About Us
About Us
What's "suteki"?
"Suteki" is an adjective in Japan. Suteki is used when something/someone is extremely attractive, nice, and beautiful.
Key Features
Suteki Arts is the only gallery in the world regarding:
1) Sell originals: Almost all items are original artworks. We sell a lot of original prints and less reproduction prints.
2) Show prices: You can see almost all prices without requests.
3) Save costs: Quitting warehouse and exhibitions enabled this great lineups and low prices.
Original oil paintings, prints, watercolor paintings, calligraphy, crafts, sculptures, etc. We are the authorized agency for a lot of artists. Some items are entrusted to us by collectors.
Corporate profile
Company Name: Asahi Gallery co.
Address: 3-4-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan
Founded: March 8, 1980
Search Works
You can see the menu in the top of any pages. Click "Works" in the menu. You can see all works. You can narrow the results by entering a few words into the search box or selecting each condition. If you want to narrow the results by artists, click "Click to Choose Artists" to open "Artists" page and click the artist's name in the results. If you want to return without choosing artists, click "Stop Choosing Artists to Return". When you want to narrow the results more, click "Advanced Search".
Results of searching works
After the search, the short descriptions are displayed. You can see more clicking "Detail".
You can see the large image clicking "Large View".
Search artists
You can see the menu in the top of any pages. Click "Artists" in the menu. You can see artists. You can narrow the results by selecting each condition.
Results of searching artists
You can see the artist's statement clicking "Statement". Click each artist's name to see their works.
Shopping cart
When you add a work to the shopping cart, you can see all the works in the shopping cart on the right of the page. You can add works up to 30.
Request an estimate
If you want to request us an estimate on the works in the shopping cart, click "Shopping Cart/Request an Estimate" in the top right corner or "View Cart/Request an Estimate" in the shopping cart on the right of the page. Then choose framing options and click "Request an Estimate". Enter your billing address and shipping address (if needed). Click "Continue" and review your entry. Finally click "Complete Request". You will soon receive an e-mail with the copy of your request.
My Gallery
You can save works for comparison. You can see the works in "My Gallery" on the right of the page. You can add works up to 100. To see all works, click "View My Gallery" in "My Gallery". Or, choose "My Gallery" in "Limited View" search condition in "Works" page. You can also combine other search conditions.
Recent View
When you see the detail of a work, the work is automatically saved to "Recent View" in the bottom of the page. The works can be saved up to 100. To all works, click "View Works" in "Recent View". Or, choose "Recent View" in "Limited View" search condition in "Works" page. You can also combine other search conditions. If you don't want to use this function, please click "Disable Recent View".
Recent Search
When you search works, the search condition is automatically saved to "Recent Search" in the bottom of the page. The search conditions can be saved up to 20. You can re-search the works by listed search conditions in "Recent Search". If you don't want to use this function, please click "Disable Recent Search".
Authorized by Tokyo Public Security Commission #494.Copyright Suteki Arts 2001-2024. All rights reserved.